
Screencast: How to Package Smalltalk Code with Monticello

In my last post I built a simple blog, so I thought I'd do another short screencast showing how Squeakers package and share code. As with the first screencast, this one has no sound, it's just video.

I create a package for the blog, save it to my package repository, which happens to be an ftp site on my server, but it could be a directory, an http repository, or quite a few others.

After saving the first version, I make a few changes and just bounce around Monticello a bit, to give you a general feeling of what we do and how we do it. I look at the latest version of Seaside, merge in the changes, change my mind, revert back to the old package, add a dependency to Seaside2 to my package, etc. Just watch it, you'll get the general idea.

Once in the repository, packages are easily loaded into any image making sharing code trivial. I didn't really show off everything Monticello can do, just the basics. Like most things in Smalltalk, you learn the most when you simply dive and start poking and prodding stuff to see what can be done, so if you want to see everything Monticello can do, you know where to start.

UPDATE: The screencast is now in Quicktime and only 7 megs thanks to a reader Manuel Blanc re-encoding it for me.

Comments (automatically disabled after 1 year)

pphetra 6694 days ago

> Just watch it, you'll get the general idea. I 'm a newbie for seaside and squeak, watching your screencast help me a lot. Thanks.

Serge Stinckwich 6693 days ago

Nice video, Ramon. Good job ! I think you need to put your video on Google Video or YouTube. It's more easy for the reader of your blog, to watch them.

[...] my previous screencast about using Monticello for a quick visual on using [...]

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