
22 February 2007 > Squeak Image Updated

Just a quick notification that I've updated my squeak image. I do this occasionally to keep my base up to date with the latest and greatest of the frameworks I use.

In this update I sharing my current 3.9 image. It's based on Damien Cassou's Squeak Dev Image, an awesome base image with all the necessary goodies a developer needs. Of course I've loaded up my window customizations and preferences, nicer looking fonts, and have all the preferences set the way I like.

This image includes PostgreSQL drivers and Glorp, since I'm now doing some development with them and consider them part of my base tool set. If my image isn't to your liking, I highly recommend learning to build and maintain your own using Damien's as a starting point. It will save you a lot of time, and he's done an awesome job building and sharing these images. Thanks Damien.

Comments (automatically disabled after 1 year)

David Mitchell 6608 days ago

Thanks Ramon.

In the pre3.0 squeak days, particularly pre-2.0 so much energy was spent on trying to get in the "base" image. Work Damien's and Lex's Package Universe's are finally getting us to a place where there are lots of Squeak distros. Exciting time to be a Squeaker!

Ramon Leon 6608 days ago

Yes, it is. I'm excited to see where Squeak goes in the next few years.

cédrick] 6603 days ago

really cool Ramon ;)

Nice to see examples of your work (the Sendorsa package is full of good examples on how using squeak, seaside, magritte, glorps, goods...) I'll have a look :) Maybe, you should publish your code as "snippet code". It's good to learn from, to find senders and all...

Thanks anyway


cédrick] 6603 days ago

just fond in the code that the code was in ftp.sentorsa.com :) Do we need a password to see the page ?

Ramon Leon 6603 days ago

That's a private ftp site, you can't see it.

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